CAS No.61825-94-3
Molecular formula:C8H14N2O4Pt
Appearance:Colorless thin triangular crystals
Product name:Oxaliplatin
CAS No:61825-94-3
Molecular formula:C8H14N2O4Pt
Molecular Weight:397.29
Appearance:Colorless thin triangular crystals
Slightly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in methanol, practically insoluble in anhydrous ethanol.
Storage conditions Store at +4°C
Oxaliplatin, also known as lestadine and oxaliplatin, belongs to platinum derivatives. It is used in the treatment of colorectal cancer metastasis patients who have failed to receive fluorouracil treatment. It can be used alone or jointly with fluorouracil. It is the third generation of platinum anti-tumor complex after cisplatin and carboplatin, It is also the only platinum drug with significant activity to colorectal cancer so far. The principle of action is to inhibit DNA synthesis and replication by producing alkylation binding substance acting on DNA, forming cross-linking within and between chains. It also has the inhibitory effect on ovarian cancer and melanoma cell line.Anticancer drugs for the treatment of rectal cancer
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